19th Private & International School Fair in Johor
19 Oct 2024
IPSEF Kuala Lumpur 2014
12 Mar 2014 9:30 AM - 5:10 PM
13 Mar 2014 9:00 AM - 5:10 PM
14 Mar 2014 8:45 AM - 5:30 PM
Renaissance Hotel KL, Kuala Lumpur

2014 programme

Robert Pick, Founding Master, Marlborough College Malaysia

Day 1 : 12th March

09.00     Registration

  • The road KHDA travelled

Dubai’s private schools cater to almost 90% of its school student population. With 158 schools offering 15 different curricula to students from 177 different nationalities, Dubai’s unique private school sector matches the cosmopolitan nature of Dubai’s society.  How does a government authority make the most of this diversity to improve the quality of education schools offer?

Mrs. Al Balooshi will share how Dubai’s Knowledge and Human Development Authority implemented the recommendations of the World Bank’s Road Not Travelled report. In particular, she will talk about how KHDA has promoted accountability and developed incentives to increase collaboration and enrich the quality of teaching and learning in Dubai. 
Kalthoom Al Balooshi, Director of Institutional Development, Knowledge and Human Development Authority

  • International schools and reasons to invest in Malaysia

An update on the private school landscape in Malaysia, highlighting trends in the types of private schools emerging in the past 5 years, international schools will be a subset of the private school landscape.

An update on the Economic Transformation Programme, in terms of achievements to-date in GNI and investment.  Highlighting some of the investments that have come in to Greater KL, Iskandar and Penang.

The countries where these international students are coming from and the results of marketing/promotion efforts conducted by PEMANDU/NAPEI in South Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, China.
Tengku Azian Shahriman, Director – Education and SRI Human Capital Development, Performance Management And Delivery Unit (Pemandu) Prime Minister’s Department

  • Infusing international elements

Sekolah Sri Bestari is a private school using the national curriculum that injects international elements in its efforts to be global and yet local. This includes hiring expatriate teachers who act as mentors in imparting widely accepted pedagogy (focused on pupils), teaching foreign languages, and introducing certain subjects (additional) at IGCSE level. The latter is still being discussed. This combination brings pupils to the international scene while still preserving the local curriculum. 
Dato’ Dr. Sharifah Maimunah Syed Zin, Coordinator of the STEM education unit of the International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation and Associate of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia

  • ISC Research Global & South Eastern Asia International Schools Market Update

Nick will provide an update on the global international school market including an analysis of fee income together a forecast of where the market will be in 5 & 10 years’ time. Special focus will be given to developments in Asia generally (which has more than half the world’s international schools) and South Eastern Asia in particular. 
Nick Brummitt, Chairman, The International School Consultancy Group (ISC Research Ltd, ISC Worldwide Ltd & ISC Consultancy Ltd)
And Richard Gaskell, International Director, ISC Research Ltd

  • Emerging Trends in K-12 

The session will cover trends and developments in the K-12 sector globally that will impact the sector in Southeast Asia. The presentation will draw on Parthenon’s experience working in K-12 across emerging markets and use case studies to illustrate the most important factors that operators and investors should be considering.
Abhinav Mital, Partner, The Parthenon Group, Singapore

  • Creating Quality Opportunities for Learning Beyond the Formal Curriculum

This presentation looks at the challenges and provides some examples and models of how the concept of “wider learning” has been approached and developed at the Alice Smith School Secondary Campus in Kuala Lumpur. It focuses on utilising the skills held within staff to extend student learning experiences and the process of collaboration between academic and pastoral teams to develop and implement these learning experiences. 
Roger Schultz, Secondary Principal, The Alice Smith School

  • A founding heads review

This is a joint presentation by the founding heads of HELP International School.  They will trace the evolution of HELP International School from its conceptualization to the opening of the school in January 2014. The presentation will touch on challenges and pitfalls encountered as well as the fundamental building blocks needed to start-up an international school in Malaysia.
Dr D Gerard J Louis, Principal, HELP International School 
And Davina McCarthy, Deputy Principal and Head of Primary, HELP International School.

  • Building our new school and accommodating the needs for a flexible curriculum

Dr. Hudson will present the vision for ISKLs new campus with a capacity for 2500 students, and the opportunities presented of continuing to provide an “exceptional education” while adapting and being flexible with our American based curriculum and IB diploma program in meeting the needs of 21st century diverse learners.
Dr. Norma Hudson, Head of School, The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL)

  • Attracting, inspiring and nurturing talent

The presentation will cover current teacher recruitment issues in international schools; the changing labour market world-wide and the importance of recruiting quality teachers; the significance of appointing inspirational school leaders who can create inspiring workplace cultures; and the role of CPD in improving teaching practice.
John Morris, Director of Morris Consulting, also Senior Education Advisor to Cambridge International Examinations

  • An African ‘Mind-Set’ in an Asian Land… reflections of a Founding Principal seeking to develop an international school market in a small Asian town 

Ever wished you had a blank canvas with which to paint a new educational landscape? As many philosophers advise… be careful what you wish for - as a blank canvas brings with it great challenge, deliberation and root level strategizing which is not for the feint of heart. However, get it right and the reward can be great indeed with a legacy that can span for generations… 
Karen McClymont, Founding School Principal, Woodlands International School

  • Sustainable Philanthropy in Education

UWC Dilijan is due to open its doors in September 2014. It was founded by an international group of donors and facilitated by the Scholae Mundi Foundation, which promotes the model of sustainable philanthropy. The founders of the Scholae Mundi Foundation together bring years of experience to the new international school in Dilijan, Armenia. This presentation will use the school as an example to demonstrate the application of the sustainable philanthropy model in the sphere of education. The speaker will highlight the significance of this strategy in the CIS countries, where so far much of the emphasis has been made on short-term aid as opposed to long-term viability.
David Zokhrabyan, Curator, Scholae Mundi Foundation

  • It is not the ‘what’ but the ‘how’ which is important.   Uniting programmes and championing partnerships, in order to benefit student learning

In this ever-demanding world of international education, many schools are making the change from national programmes to international programmes, under the guise of improving student learning and opportunity. Yet I argue that it is not the programmes we should be concerned about, the ‘what’. Instead we should be focusing on the delivery, the ‘how’. I put forward the idea, that rather than making such wholesale changes, school leaders and owners should instead consider ways in which schools can enrich the delivery of the national programmes.

Using examples from the Tenby Group, I will demonstrate how international and national programmes can successfully work together, celebrating national identity while at the same providing opportunity for everyone to experience an international education, one which is about the delivery in the classroom and not just about a title on a page.
Denise Sinclair, School Development and Improvement Manager, Tenby Schools Malaysia

17.30     Close followed by IPSEF Networking Reception featuring a presentation on the Association of International Malaysian Schools by David Kilpatrick, the Principal of AISM  


Day Two : 13th March

09.30     Welcome

  • What will a sustainable school look like in Malaysia?

The International School of Kuala Lumpur is committed to the conservation and preservation of the environment. In 2013 it was recognized as Malaysia’s first Eco-Schools Green Flag School. In three years’ time the two parts of the school will relocate to a new Campus close to the centre of the City.

Stefan Jakobek of HOK and Laurence Myers of ISKL will describe how the new campus is being designed to meet  Malaysia’s highest  environmental standards and in a manner that is fully embedded in the daily life of the school. 
Stefan Jakobek RIBA, Vice President, Head of Education, HOK  
CK Tang, Managing Partner, Veritas Environment Sdn Bhd
Laurence Myers, Sustainability & Service Learning Coordinator, THe International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL)

  • Building an International School

- Building a Brand - realising a school's brand ethos in the built environment
- Building for different cultures - understanding both the local market and cultural diversity
- Building a new community - the school as catalyst for regeneration and community creation
Ben Somner, Associate Director, Broadway Malyan

  • Cool Roof Case Study

Outsourcing facilities management to focus on education while achieving and maintaining international standards. Case studies in Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam.
Germain Thomas, General Manager, Property Care Services (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. 

  • Green energy and education – what’s the link and what it means to private education providers

David Fairbairn-Day, Head of Education Strategy, International, Promethean World Plc

  • The Changing Landscape of International Education in China

Government regulations for both international schools and international curricula programmes in China are changing, with ‘pilot’ projects influencing and continuing to influence the way the sector will develop in the future. This session will explore some of the models operating currently and review potential developments moving forward.  
Vanessa Cumbers, Director, Dipont Group/CRS Education

  • International Education & the Development of Global Mindedness

A genuine international education and its curriculum should accommodate regional, cultural and social-economic differences amongst schools in different parts of the world while ensuring its principals and beliefs are truly incorporated. The IB’s programme, its uniqueness in developing student’s international mindedness and the learning outcomes will be discussed in this presentation.
Faizol Musa, Regional Development Manager, South East Asia, International Baccalaureate Organization

  • How effective use of assessments within a school can help the school’s reputation in a competitive market place – session put together by GL Education: IPSEF Knowledge Partner

The effective use of data is becoming more important for private schools, both to ensure students are achieving their potential as well as to give stakeholders (parents, governors, investors) important information about the school’s performance.  Two different schools that are both using a range of assessments including cognitive ability testing, literacy, numeracy and attitudinal surveys will talk through how they use the data effectively. Opportunity will then be given for a panel discussion on how these schools have implemented these assessments.
Chaired by James Neill, International DirectorGL Education Groupo
Peter Wells, Principal, Taylor’s International School
Andrew Dalton, Principal, & Nicola Lambros, Head of Secondary , The International School @Park City

  • Implementing a school-wide management system with a strategic perspective

The presentation will look at the background to implementing a new MIS, managing the selection of, and transition to a new system, and how to maximise the strategic benefit that can be gained from using new technology to best effect. It will encourage international schools to look at aligning the implementation with their goals for the organisation, plus offer practical tips for the process itself. 
Tony Child, independent consultant

  • The Place of Sport in International Schools

The provision of sport and physical activity has always been an important distinction of the independent school offer.  This presentation will consider how this offer can be positioned to maximum effect in the 21st century, and how schools can promote what they do.  The tensions between performance and participation will be considered, alongside the balance between team games and a health and fitness culture.    The contribution of sport to developing desirable moral qualities, such as determination, resilience and delayed gratification is as relevant today as it was in “Tom Brown’s Schooldays” 
Neil Rollings, Director, Independent Coach Education

  • What kinds of CPD make the biggest difference to the recruitment and retention of staff in an international school

School recruitment and importance of CPD Panel debate
Chaired by Diane Jacoutot, Managing Director, Edvectus 
– with Andrew Dalton, Peter Wells and Simon Testa, Director of Schools, Beaconhouse School Group

17.30     Close


Day 3 : 14th March

Free School Visits will include the following schools, place are limited and include transportation and refreshments.  Please confirm your interest on booking :

School Visits on 14th March will include :

  • Epsom College
  • The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL)
  • Nexus International School